Using AI to rewrite job description content can make them clearer, more appealing, and more inclusive while saving time and effort. 

Here are 10 effective ways to use AI to rewrite job descriptions: 

1. Rewrite Job Description Content to Improve Clarity and Readability 

Using AI to rewrite job descriptions can simplify your JD’s complex language and structure to make it easier to read and understand. It can recommend replacing jargon with plain English, shortening sentences, and using the active voice:

Jargon: Leverage your core competencies to synergize and optimize team workflow

Simple: Use your skills to work together effectively and improve processes.

Original:  The ideal candidate will possess excellent communication skills and a strong work ethic.
Shorter:  Great communication skills and a strong work ethic are ideal. 

A clearer and more straightforward JD  can help attract a broader range of candidates. 

2. Rewrite Job Description Content for Inclusivity

AI can help detect and remove biased language that disfavors people from underrepresented groups. It can scan and highlight words like ‘young and energetic’ candidates (age-related preferences) or ‘fast-paced’ work environment (exclusionary term for people with disabilities). 

Highlighting these words and phrases, AI can provide more inclusive language like ‘motivated’ or ‘enthusiastic’ (to replace young and energetic) and ‘agile’ or ‘dynamic’ (to replace fast-paced). 

Ongig’s Text Analyzer uses AI to flag gender-biased and racial-biased words in your job posts and suggests more inclusive terms. This helps you attract a more diverse set of applicants. 

Take a look at this video to check how Ongig can help you optimize your content for diverse candidate engagement and refine your JD draft to reduce bias and improve readability:

3. Rewrite Job Description Content for Keyword Optimization 

AI can review and rewrite job description content to ensure they contain the right SEO keywords that potential candidates might use in their job searches.  This helps make your job postings more visible on search engines and job boards. 

Keywords brainstorm on paper -- rewrite job description content blog

Once the keywords are identified, it doesn’t simply stuff them into your description. Rather, it weaves them organically into the text to ensure it makes your job description more readable and natural. 

Some AI tools allow you to A/B test different versions of your job description using different keywords. The testing allows you to determine which words and phrases are the most effective in attracting qualified candidates. 

AI can refine your job descriptions over time based on your ongoing SEO efforts. 

4. Rewrite Job Description Content to Enhance Tone and Style

If your current job descriptions appear too generic or robotic, AI can suggest engaging and compelling language. It can also highlight your company culture, growth opportunities, or unique employee benefits. 

What’s more, they can assist in crafting a story about your role to make them more attractive to the right candidates. For example, you are hiring a software engineer for a fintech startup. More than just listing the qualifications and responsibilities, AI can highlight the challenges and impact of the role. It can also mention a recent project or achievement of the company to showcase its innovative spirit. AI can incorporate these copywriting techniques:

Storytelling through the Description:

Are you a passionate software engineer who thrives in a fast-paced, innovative environment? Do you dream of using your coding skills to disrupt the traditional financial landscape? If so, then we want you on our team!

At [Fintech Startup Name], we’re not your average financial company. We’re a group of trailblazers reimagining how people manage their money. We’re building cutting-edge technology that’s making finance accessible, transparent, and empowering for everyone.

As our Senior Software Engineer, you won’t just be writing code – you’ll be an architect of the future. You can design, develop, and implement core features that shape the user experience and drive our growth.

Challenges and Impact 

You’ll face exciting technical challenges, designing and building scalable, secure systems that can handle the ever-evolving demands of the financial industry.  Your contributions will directly impact millions of users, ensuring a seamless and trustworthy financial experience.

Once you have accepted these suggestions, AI can maintain a consistent tone and style across all job descriptions so they look more polished and professional, boosting your employer brand.  You can also train your AI to adapt your job descriptions to your company or corporate brand, marketing tone, and style 

5. Rewrite Job Description Content to Automate Updates and Customization 

AI can automatically update your job descriptions based on labor market trends. 

For example, instead of just using the job title Data Analyst, you can put Data Analyst with AI/Machine Learning Expertise to reflect the growing trend in artificial intelligence and machine learning. 

You can also put the following skills and experience recommended by AI based on current market trends: 

  • Proficiency in Python programming languages with libraries like TensorFlow, PyTorch, or scikit-learn.
  • Experience in building and deploying machine learning models.
  • Strong understanding of data visualization techniques to effectively communicate insights.
  • Familiarity with cloud platforms like AWS, Azure, or GCP for data storage and processing.

AI can also give feedback to edit your JD based on company changes, feedback from recruiters, hiring managers, and candidates, and performance data so they are always current and aligned with the organization’s immediate needs. 

6. Rewrite Job Description Content for Ideal Candidates 

You can also customize your descriptions for different platforms or audiences so they resonate with your ideal candidates. For instance, an entry-level position might use different keywords than a senior leadership role, even within the same field.

AI can adapt the language and focus of job descriptions based on job seekers’ preferences and behaviors. For example, mentioning in your job posting that you offer remote work opportunities or flexible hours can make a job more attractive to candidates seeking those benefits. 

7. Rewrite Job Description Content to Analyze Performance 

AI can analyze the quality of your job description by tracking metrics like how long candidates read it and how many apply.  Based on this analysis, AI can suggest improvements to optimize the effectiveness of future job postings.

For example, the longer the candidate reviews your job ad may indicate they find your JD engaging. Similarly,  a spike in applications after an AI rewrite suggests that the description attracts higher-quality candidates. 

8. Rewrite Job Description Content to Adhere to Employment Laws 

AI can help ensure job descriptions follow employment laws and regulations, reducing the chances of lawsuits or discrimination claims. So, by flagging potentially problematic language, job requirements, or qualifications, your job descriptions comply with legal and ethical standards. 

For instance, if you hire a social worker, AI might recommend adding background checks to the job description to comply with child protection laws. Some states require you to include salary ranges in your job description. AI can identify these requirements and prompt you to include them if missing. 

There might be legal requirements to include specific disclaimers in job descriptions, such as equal opportunity statements or drug-free workplace policies. If you forgot to include them, AI can remind you to make sure these disclaimers are there and properly explained to adhere to legal requirements. 

Job description and golden pen on the envelope for letters (Rewrite job description blog)

9. Analyze Competitors 

Artificial intelligence can collect JDs from job boards, social media, and competitor career pages. Using NLP, it identifies keywords mentioned in other organizations’ job descriptions, revealing the specific skills and experience critical to the role. Then, AI can compare the extracted data from your competitor to your own JD, identifying any gaps or misalignments. AI can recommend the most valuable skills in the industry for similar positions. 

Moreover, AI can identify keywords that describe your competitor’s culture, values, and 

By comparing this to your own descriptions, you can see how you stack up and adjust your offerings to attract similar talent.

10. Use Predictive Analytics 

More than measuring your and your competitor’s job posting performance, predictive analytics can also analyze data and help you identify skills in demand. Knowing the skills and technologies required in the future, you can modify your job descriptions to attract candidates with these emerging skills to have a future-proof workforce. 

Predictive analytics can also analyze turnover data within a specific position. This information allows you to improve sections in your JD, such as workload expectations, career growth opportunities, and company culture. 

For example, AI’s analysis of past employee data showed that old job descriptions of data scientists didn’t include collaboration skills, which made previously employed data scientists feel isolated and frustrated.  Now that you’re hiring for the same role again, you can rewrite job descriptions to highlight the importance of teamwork within the Data Science team to attract candidates who favor collaborative work environments and reduce your turnover rates. 

Why I wrote this:

Artificial intelligence does more than just speed up the job description writing process. It can also help optimize it for your target audience, evaluate and give recommendations to improve the performance of your job posting (and ensure you adhere to employment laws). So, if you want to use AI-powered software to rewrite job description content, check out Ongig’s Text Analyzer. Contact us to schedule a demo.

by in Job Descriptions