Wanted: Technical Assistant To Stephen Hawking — $38,500 Per Year/No Equity (Cambridge, UK)

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Hawking.org will be posting an official job advertisement for a Technical Assistant to Professor Hawking in mid-January. Here is an unofficial summary of the job from their Web page. Here’s a video of Hawking from TED: Technical Assistant To Stephen Hawking Primary Purpose: To allow Prof. Hawking to function within the physics community and as… Read more »

The Evolution Of “Geek”

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I was watching An Evening With Kevin Smith (The full 2 hours of it free) the other night and a guy named “Geek” asked Kevin a question — and Kevin had a throw-away comment about the word “Geek” originating from someone biting chicken heads off. That got me thinking about the origin of the word… Read more »

What Do Steve Martin, Facebook, Google & A Rock Have In Common?

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Here are some more creative business cards/calling cards we discovered after posting A Creative Business Card Showing Twitter, Web & Email All On One Line. Thanks to Neatorama for posting this calling card from comedian Steve Martin: Here’s a simple & cool business card from Ji Lee (formerly Creative Director at Google)

I Keep A List Of “Must-Haves For My Next Job”

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I’ve been lucky to have some awesome jobs in my life, including CEO (4 times), VP of Sales, Director of Business Development, Senior Editor and Assistant (Gopher) a couple of times. At each business I’ve been at I’ve learned that I run into awesome qualities (ones I’d like to have at every job I ever… Read more »

Andreessen Versus Buffett On How To Make A Good Hire

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Ongig stumbled across an archived Marc Andreessen blog posting on hiring and it reminded me of Warren Buffett’s criteria for making a good hire (which I apply to all people I do business with). I though I’d contrast their two styles here: Andreessen’s Top 3 Criteria For A Good Hire Are: 1) Drive 2) Curiosity… Read more »